
これはやばい!もうすぐSandy BridgeチップのMacBook Air登場?

新MacBook Airが量産体制に入っているそうですよ!
しかも、IntelのSandy BridgeなMacBook Airに大進化するかもしれません。

なんとAppleInsiderによると新MacBook Airが量産に向けて発注を開始したとの報道がありました!

新MacBook Airが量産体制! : ギズモード・ジャパン

とうとう、 Core 2 Duoとお別れ。MacBook Proと同じチップとなります。つまり、MacProに匹敵するパフォーマンスが、あのMacBook Airのうすうすボディで処理出来るというワケですね。

Apple has hit the order button for new MacBook Air laptops based on Intel’s latest processors, according to a report from AppleInsider today.
As CNET reported in February, the new MacBook Airs will get Intel’s Sandy Bridge silicon and finally drop the older Core 2 Duo chip, used since the line’s inception in January 2008.

Report: Apple gears up for new MacBook Air | Nanotech – The Circuits Blog – CNET News

A rumor emerged today that the Macbook Airs will receive a processor update in the coming weeks, at least according to Wall Street analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. The current Macbook Airs utilize the now old and some what antiquated Core 2 Duo processors.

Macbook Air Refresh Coming Soon? | GadgetReview


AppleInsiderは、Concord Securitiesのアナリストの話を引用して、新しいMacBook Airは6月から量産体制に入り、Appleは11.6インチ(約29.5cm)と13.3インチ(約33.8cm)のモデルを合わせて38万台発注する予定であると報じている。同記事では、AppleがMacBook Airの現行版の製造を縮小する予定であるとも記されている

アップルの新「MacBook Air」が量産体制に–米報道 – CNET Japan

Concord Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo is starting to build a bit of a reputation for accurate Apple rumors, so you may be able to take this with a slightly smaller dose of NaCl: Kuo told AppleInsider that Cupertino’s allegedly ordered 380,000 of those new MacBook Air models with Intel’s Sandy Bridge processors on board, to be completed within the month. Of course, if Apple’s got its heart set on distributing silica scaffolding, it has to phase the existing Core 2 Duo variants out, and so the company’s reportedly finishing a final production run of 80,000 units now. If you happen to notice that your entire state is out of aluminum-clad ultralights, you know who to call!

Apple boots Sandy Bridge-based MacBook Air into mass production? (update) — Engadget

当然、初のOSX 10.7 Lion登載のマシンの1台になる筈、それだけでも欲しいんですが、あとは価格価格次第だ!w
